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Make An Impact

One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is to see how you can make impact on others.

Real. Positive. Impact.

Recently we completed our #VRforGood program, which involved hundreds of students in Hong Kong including many who had their first-time experience to create something in virtual reality environment. I was fortunate to attend the closing ceremony and meet some students who participated the educational program.

Many of them told me something similar: I'm an art student and I used to read literature only; If it was not because I had the chance to join this VR program, I probably would never thought about learning how to code. I wrote my first line of code, thanks to this program...

Isn't this just amazing? We always talk about hope, opportunity, and how great minds alike can change the world. Changes are actually happening everyday if everyone can keep trying.

Read this story (中文) about those bright students who I believe can someday change the world.