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For Our Friend L

I woke up on a quiet Friday morning and learned the sad news from friends that a very elegant, intelligent, kind, and well-respected PR and Communications leader passed away in Hong Kong due to cancer. It was a long battle but still…

I haven’t seen her in person for quite some years and now all the old memories just pop up in my mind. I first met her when I was a junior reporter. I barely just started my career at that time while she was already very senior in a bank.

We have been in touch since then as I grew up in my career and she moved to other banks and international firms. She certainly made herself a very good personal brand in the industry. I remember I told some friends that she can be the role model for those who work in the PR and Comms business in Hong Kong.

I sent my condolence to her spouse, who told me L always spoke highly of me, and I shared some good memories I have about L with her spouse. Now I regret that we didn’t get chance to see each other more in person.

I vaguely remember last time when we had lunch in a restaurant in Central, we talked for long hours, and she was keen to learn new things like social media. I jokingly said something to her that she was senior enough to ask others to do the work rather than she needed to learn everything, but she replied very kindly that she wanted to learn and lead by example first.

The PR and Comms industry in Hong Kong is never short of smart people, but true leaders are rare, not to mention someone who can always stay so elegant, humble, kind, and have the heart to make real friends.

I’m blessed to have met you, L, and I will keep all our good moments in my memory.